Charolais is the most sustainable breed
It has been said that no other breed has impacted the North American beef industry so significantly as the introduction of Charolais.
Did you know Charolais cattle have passed through rigorous testing up against other breeds and DeBruycker Charolais cattle are first in the industry for conversion of forage to finished a product?
Charolais cattle are a beef cattle breed. The genetics of DeBruycker Charolais are known for rapid growth and good muscling as well as high meat yield and offers our customers top quality beef that is rich in iron and low in fat.
Not only does the efficiency of the Charolais cattle matter to our business, it matters to the environment.
Our DeBruycker Charolais are eco-friendly, pasture-raised, grain-finished, dry-aged, high-quality beef from our family to yours. We are proud to bring you the same legendary homegrown quality that we've enjoyed for decades.
Live your legend.
The DeBruycker Family.